M.E in Power Systems Engineering is a full-time two year post-graduate program under
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Grace College of Engineering.
The department admits about 24 students every year in the M.E. program. Students are
given a deeper understanding of the critical aspects of power systems, given training in
analyzing and computing the integrated system of power engineering. The program
curriculum qualifies candidates through theory and lab practice along with entrusting
projects which help them to gain practical knowledge of transmitting power engineering,
power systems and maintaining power stability. The overall goal of the program is to
adroit the students in understanding the skills of problem-solving, calculations which
can draw them better scopes in the future career. This program helps in the designing
and development of projects assisting in power sector. Power System Engineering have
beneficial scope in sectors of Power Corporations, Electricity Boards, Hydro-Electricity
Sectors to work as Lead System Designer, Engineering Executive, Senior Engineering
Manager, Power System Engineering, Senior System Analyst, Engineering Officer and so on.