Academic Year (2022-2023)

  • M. MuthuRoshini (I BE-CSE)has participated in Drawing Competition during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • A. Rajalakshmi (I BE-CSE)has participatedin Verse Writing during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • J. Snowfa P Rayer (I BE-CSE)has participatedin Verse Writing during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured First place.
  • K. JeyaBharathi (I BE-CSE)has participatedin Flameless Cooking during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured First place.
  • M.MariDeepan(I BE-MECH) has participated in Flamless Cooking during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • N.Parthiban (I BE-ECE) has participated in Drawing Competition during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured First place.
  • M.RosaMystica (I BE-CSE) has participated in Drawing Competition during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • S. Jeffrin(I B.Tech AIDS-) has participated in Art From Waste during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured First place.
  • K. Lohalaksdhmi(I BE- CSE ) has participated in Art From Waste during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • Vishal Kumar (I BE- CSE ) has participated in Elocution during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • S.Srimathi(I BE- CSE ) has participated in Elocution during the Induction programme held on 17.11.2022 and secured Second place.
  • A. Nancy Maria(I BE- ECE) has participated and secured First position in the Quiz event in the Intra College Symposium ’’TECH HORIZON 2K23’’ Organized by Department of CSE on 1st March 2023
  • .M.Hinduja( IB.Tech- AI-DS) has participated and secured Second position in the Elocution event organized to celebrate International Women’s Day on 08.03.2023.
  • G.Deepika(IB.TechAIDS)has participated and secured First Position in the Fruits And Vegetable Carvinge ventor ganised to celebrate International Women's Day on 08.03.2023.
  • M.Hinduja( IB.Tech- AI-DS) has participated and secured First position in the PPT event in the Intra College Symposium ’’TECH HORIZON 2K23’’ Organized by Department of CSE on 1st March 2023.
  • S. Jeffrin( IB.Tech- AI-DS) has participated and secured First position in the PPT event in the Intra College Symposium ’’TECH HORIZON 2K23’’ Organized by Department of CSE on 1st March 2023.
  • V. Naveen (I BE-CSE) has participated and secured Second position in the Poster Design event in the Intra College Symposium ’’TECH HORIZON 2K23’’ Organized by Department of CSE on 1st March 2023.
  • A. MuthuSelvan (I BE-CSE) has participated and secured Second position in the Poster Design event in the Intra College Symposium ’’TECH HORIZON 2K23’’ Organized by Department of CSE on 1st March 2023.
  • M. MuthuRoshini (I BE-CSE) has participated in the RYLA – 2022 held on 2,3rd and 4thDecember 2022Organised by Rotary Club of SPIC Nagar, Tuticorin.
  • A.Antony Jeba Aashika (I BE-CSE) has participated in the RYLA – 2022 held on 2,3rd and 4th December 2022Organised by Rotary Club of SPIC Nagar, Tuticorin.
  • S. Kalaivani (IBE-CSE) has participated in the RYLA–2022 heldon 2,3rd and 4th December2022 Organised by RotaryClub of SPIC Nagar,Tuticorin.
  • N.Revathi Selvam (IBE-CSE)hasparticipatedintheRYLA–2022heldon2,3rdand4thDecember2022OrganisedbyRotaryClubofSPICNagar,Tuticorin.
  • J.Quincy Chinda (IBE-CSE)hasparticipatedintheRYLA–2022heldon2,3rdand4thDecember2022OrganisedbyRotaryClubofSPICNagar,Tuticorin
  • J Jemimah Arputham. (IBE-CSE)hasparticipatedintheRYLA–2022heldon2,3rdand4thDecember2022OrganisedbyRotaryClubofSPICNagar,Tuticorin.
  • P. Jeril( I BE-CSE) has participated in the event paper presentation in EINSTEINIUM 2K23 organised by Department of Computer Science And Engineering Einstein College Of Engineering on 24th Feb 2023.
  • S.Srimathi (I BE-CSE) has participated and in the Paper Presentation event in the Intra College Symposium ’’TECH HORIZON 2K23’’ Organized by Department of CSE on 18th March 2023.
  • P.Nerthi Ebenezer (IBECSE)hasparticipatedandinthePaperPresentationeventintheIntraCollegeSymposium’’TECH HORIZON2K23’’OrganizedbyDepartmentofCSEon18thMarch2023.
  • G.Anantha Kumar( I BE-CSE) has participated in the event paper presentation in EINSTEINIUM 2K23 organised by Department of Computer Science And Engineering Einstein College Of Engineering on 24th Feb 2023.
  • A Arul Jayaraj (IBECSE)hasparticipated in the event paper presentation in EINSTEINIUM2K23 organised by Department of Computer Science And Engineering Einstein College Of Engineering on 24thFeb2023.
  • Gurapnoor Sharon Chithamber( I BE-CSE) has participated in the event paper presentation in EINSTEINIUM 2K23 organised by Department of Computer Science And Engineering Einstein College Of Engineering on 24th Feb 2023.
  • S.Sarvesh( IB.Tech- AI-DS) has participated and secured First position in Debate Competition organized by TheInstitution’s Innovation Council (IIC) in view of National Youth Day held on 12.01.2023.
  • A.Shalini (I BE- CSE) has participated and secured First place in Debate Competition organised by the institution's Innovation Council (IIC) in view of National Youth Day Held on 12.01.2023.
  • S Srimathi (IBE-CSE)has participated and secured Second place in Debate Competition organisedby the institution's Innovation Council(IIC)in viewof National Youth Day Heldon12.01.2023.
  • A.John Jahaziel (I BE-CSE)hasparticipatedandsecured Second placein Idea Competitionorganisedby Grace Association for Triumphant Electricial and Electronics Engineers Heldon11.02023.
  • D Anbu (I BE- CSE) has participated and secured Second place in Idea Competition organised by Grace Association for Triumphant Electricial and Electronics Engineers Held on 11.02023.
  • T.Ranish (I BECSE)hasparticipatedandsecuredSecondplaceinIdeaCompetitionorganisedbyGraceAssociationforTriumphantElectricialandElectronicsEngineersHeldon11.02023.
  • B.Vasanthan (I BECSE)hasparticipatedandsecuredSecondplaceinIdeaCompetitionorganisedbyGraceAssociationforTriumphantElectricialandElectronicsEngineersHeldon11.02023.
  • M.Sri Devi Balagan (I BTech- CSE) has participated and secured Second place in Idea Competition organised by Grace Association for Triumphant Electricial and Electronics Engineers Held on 11.02023.
  • S.L. Muthu Vivek (I B.Tech AI-DS)has participated and secured First place in Idea Competition organised by Grace Association for Triumphant Electricial and Electronics Engineers Held on 11.02023.